With everyone working out of home or studying online the computer has become our best friend. What that also means is that we all sit for hours in one position. The end result- a super-stiff body. Our bodies are meant to move and by sitting constantly, the blood circulation in the body slows down.
So what should you do that is simple, won’t take up much time and will help you relax? Well! Today I am sharing some yoga asanas with you that will help stretch your body and make you feel more relaxed. This 10-minute yoga sequence can balance your body and focus your mind. No special workout gear or studio space is necessary.
The asanas we will be doing today are
1.Goddess Pose
2. Parighasana or the Circle
3. Tadasana for relaxing
4. Trikonasana or the Triangle
5. Knee Rotation as an intermediate relaxation movement
6. Urdhvahastasana or the upward stretch and
7. Uttanasana or the forward stretch.
8. Vrikshasana or the tree pose
On International Yoga Day, give your health and body a boost with these simple stretches that get your circulation going. Watch the video, get energized and don’t forget to subscribe to the KSP YouTube channel to stay connected and get regular updates!