The first man that comes in a girls life is not her boyfriend or her brother, but is her father. The bond shared between fathers and daughters is without a doubt the most special. All dads want to be the strongest superheroes for their girls and keep them away from harms way. But no dad was ever given a manual on how to be the best!
So here are 10 tips for those dads who want to bring a smile on their lil princess’ face and to maintain a healthy and strong bond with their daughters:
1. The first rule is to be a friend: Treat her as your friend; share thoughts, ask for opinions.
2. Treat your daughter as an equal: Do not keep this attitude that she knows nothing. Children these days have become more sensible and know what they are doing.
3. Be a mediator: If your daughter is facing problems with your wife, be there present as a mediator between the two females. Having a male interween somehow cool down issues.
4. Learn to communicate: If you are one of those who cannot really communicate or emote well, then you should maybe should start by doing small things like helping her around with her studies or maybe once in a while give her a treat or take her shopping.
5. Trust her: When their daughter’s are in their teens, father’s usually tend to get over protectiev about their little girls. This behaviour most often than not tends to push the girls away from their father’s. Remember not to be too suspicious about your daughter’s whereabouts.
6. Let them be independent: They are no longer babies. Let her learn from her own mistakes. Having a healthy discussion about such mistakes will make them feel that you are interested in their lives and do not want them to do what you want. Avoid preaching.
7. Love them unconditionally: She is your own daughter. Love her unconditionally even if she makes mistakes or she is not the ideal daughter. Your love for her will make her realise herself to make the right choices in life.
8. Accept her friends: Accepting your daughter’s social circle can be a little difficult sometimes. The kind of friends she is hanging out with might come as a surprise to most father’s. But dont worry trust her and know that she will not get into bad company.
9. Be patient: Hormones are running wild and so will tempers. You need to curb your temper since she will always be the one who’ll be raising her voice. When she sees that you do not react usually, she will herself calm down in front of you.
10. Spend time together: Time is the greatest bonding element. Try doing what they like the most and see the difference. Remove time so that you can attend to small things like their annual days and sports days.They will always remember that you were there during such times and love you more for it.
Its is always said that a Father and Daughter relationship is the most beautiful and strongest in the world. Share with us the small little things you love to do with your daughters that put a smile on her face.
Happy Parenting!!!