12 Fun craft ideas to teach colours to toddlers

Sort and count math bottles:Use those left over bottles and pomp poms design this simple trick for your kids to learn the color matching technique. Hand print colour matching:A fun way to teach the kids to match colours. Rainbow print out idea:With the monsoon season on, its just the right time to educate kids with colours using this rainbow print out method. Dog’s colorful day:Take out a cut out and let your kids use the colours to prepare an innovative art piece.

We are back with our KSP Craft ideas for kids this week. It's all about learning and having fun with kids this week. Click here for previous editions. If your toddler does not have a good sense with colours, then these ideas are a must-try and if he/she is good with colours, then you should try out these ideas for sure as they are fun and interesting. the objective this week has been too create an eco-system for learning. We have tried to give you easy solutions wherever we can. The kids will learn after repeated attempts so don't give up just yet. Co-created magazine wheel: An interesting way that lets you explore your child’s creative side as well as keeps them busy. This idea of designing a co-created magazine wheel using magazine cutouts, beads, popsicle sticks, paint chip, stickers, and more can be made up using different material colors and can be used as a wall hanging too. Read more. ksp craft idea 1 co created magazine wheel Sort and count math bottles: Use those left over bottles and pomp poms design this simple trick for your kids to learn the color matching technique. Also, this idea acts as a great way to teach maths to kids. Read more. ksp craft idea bottle math Paper chip and paint chip: Use your child’s favourite toon in various colours and see how well he learns to match them up with colourful paper chips. Read more. ksp craft idea paper clip The Puzzle method: If your child loves solving mysteries then this is the perfect way to teach him the art of colour matching. Read more. Ksp craft idea puzzle Hand print colour matching: A fun way to teach the kids to match colours. Kids will surely enjoy doing this as they get to have some fun with their various colours. Read more. ksp craft idea hand prints Drop pomp poms method: A fun idea designed by using toilet paper rolls, chopsticks and colorful pomp poms. Read more. ksp craft idea drop pomp poms Rainbow print out idea: With the monsoon season on, its just the right time to educate kids with colours using this rainbow print out method. All you need is a rainbow print out, pomp-pomps and magnets and the fun begins. Read more. ksp craft idea rainbow method   Clothes peg idea: A fun way to educate your kid with colours, shapes, numbers and more. Read more. ksp craft idea clothes peg Button-cup method: Get those colorful buttons and cups out and let your child have some learning time bifurcating the same. ksp craft idea-button cup Color & match Butterflies: A great way to teach kids colour matching via various animals, birds. Read more. ksp craft idea butterfly Rock game for kids: Get those rocks from the garden and use them as an innovative way to teach colour matching to kids. Read more. ksp craft idea rock game Dog's colorful day: Take out a cut out and let your kids use the colours to prepare an innovative art piece. Read more. ksp craft idea dog colourfull     For more follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

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