3 Home Remedies To Relieve Tired Eyes In Kids

Screen may have taken over our lives – phone screen, tablets, Kindles, computers – but this isn’t the only source of eye strain in kids and adults. But there are a few things you can easily do at home that can help with the red eyes and the strained vision.

Our kids are constantly on a gadget. The last 2 years have played havoc with their eyesight and not to mention the fact that most of them are addicted to screens.

The end result is they are constantly rubbing their eyes, eyes are red or watering.

We asked Ayurveda health coach Dimple Janga of Prana to tell us some home remedies that can work with kids.

She explained that a lot of the strain and fatigue are due to the rise in the pitta in the body. She shares 3 tips that can work their magic and help your child’s (and your) eyes feel better.

Watch the video to know what they are! Don’t forget to like & subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a new video drop!

We have also spoken to Dimple Jangda in the past on various pertinent topics one of them being virudh ahaar – the right-wrong food combos that we should keep in mind. You can watch that video below. Her advice has really helped a lot of people

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