Have all the decorations been hung and the Christmas tree set up? Have you put those twinkling fairy lights everywhere to add that touch of magic? Did you make a list of all the sweets that need to be prepared or bought and the meals that you need to whip up? And not forgetting the secret Santa gifts and gifts for your kids? If you have done all this… well, you’re pretty much prepared for Christmas Eve. Oh! But here’s one thing that we can help you out with… Christmas Carols!
Go ahead, tune in to it, and follow Kidsstoppress on Spotify.
Here Are 5 Carols That You Need To Add To Your Playlist!
Away In A Manger
O Holy Night
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
Mary’s Boy Child
The Holly and The Ivy
And soooo many more! Since you have been busy with all the things mentioned above, we thought, couldn’t we help with a little something? And so, here is a playlist that we have specially created for you with all the traditional carols and some jolly Christmas hits that you can play on a loop all throughout the festive week!
And share it with a fellow parent, coz you know they need it!