If you’re not sure what to do with leftover quinoa, whip up a batch of fluffy pancakes this weekend. This recipe is filled with protein fibre and is super yummy.
Get the recipe here
Image Source:Â www.babble.com
3. Applesauce Oatmeal Pancakes with Peanut Butter Maple Syrup
A perfect breakfast recipe that is gluten free. They’re super moist and is perfect for when you’re on the go!
Get the recipe here
Image Source: www.simplyscratch.com
4. Banana Sweet Potato Pancakes With Honey Nut Yogurt
Roasted sweet potatoes mixed into the batter not only add a warm, autumnal orange hue, but also increase the fibre content and offer moistness you’ll love. Top it off with Greek yogurt sauce to cut down on sugar while upping the protein, and this veggie-filled breakfast will fill you up and keep your energy high all morning long.
Get the recipe here.
Image Source:Â www.popsugar.com
5. Eggless Oats Pancakes With Nutella And Banana
I discovered this recipe when one day my child refused to eat her oats with fruits. And like I always believe experience leads to innovation, it did so in this case also. I tried making a batter out of the oats and banana and added some rava (semolina) to it. We did have yummy pancakes which are again a wholesome and heavy meal. What I love about this recipe is the amount of nutrition and fun you can add to it.
Get the recipe here.
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Featured Image source: skinnyms.com