5 Things That Scream You Judge Other Parents


Find out if you are guilty of any of these and why you should stop right away!

1. You Jump To Conclusions

So, a mom feeds her baby formula milk at 4 months, while you exclusively breastfed for 6. Your first thought? "Why didn't she continue to feed her baby? She's not doing her best. She could have done better for her baby."

Dig deeper and you'll find that you simply jumped to the conclusion that she didn't try her best. What if the mom spent nights on end trying to feed her crying baby who just wouldn't latch? How do you know she did not get a nasty case of mastitis due to which she had to stop feeding? The answer is, you don't know. And so, you have no right to judge!

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2. Different Is Unacceptable To You

You hear that a mom in your neighbourhood leaves for work 9 in the morning, leaving the kids with the nanny who cooks, cleans and plays with the baby all day long. You, on the other hand, are a stay at home mom who spends every waking moment with your kids. Your thoughts? "How can she leave her kids with a stranger like that? She's so irresponsible."

Time to introspect – Is it alright to judge someone only because they do things differently? No, it isn't. Not under any circumstances. She's probably already feeling guilty having to leave her kids at home. Your judgment won't make life any easier for her.

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3. You Give A Lot Of 'Advice'

Sentences that start with 'Oh my god, your baby is so lean, don't you feed him properly? Let me give you some advice' never really end up helping. If you dole out a lot of such 'advice', our advice is, STOP! Receiving unnecessary or uncalled for advice simply comes off as judgmental to parents who are already uncertain of themselves. If you don't have someone's best interest at heart, keep your advice to yourself!

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4. You Seek Out For Mistakes:

A major indicator of being too judgmental of parents, is looking for flaws instead of appreciating their efforts. If you constantly find yourself pointing out mistakes that parents make, you should know that you're judgmental. For instance, if you look at a perfectly happy, beautiful family and all you can think about is how the baby is teething on a plastic and not rubber teether, you're being too judgy!

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5. You Feel Judged:

Here's the moment of truth – If a parent is too judgmental of others, chances are high that he or she feels judged as well. More often than not, judgmental habits stem from low stem esteem which stems from feeling judged in the first place! So you see, it's a vicious cycle. Every parent who feels judged in turn judges others who further judge more parents!

Let this cycle end now – With you! 

Every parent's journey is different. Everyone is trying their best to balance their own life with the delicate life that now depends on them. Trust us, parents only want what's best their baby. But, each parent is a human too. Try understanding that human, instead of judging that parent.

As parents, once we stop judging each other, and instead start understanding each other's challenges, we'll all be much happier. Let's end the negativity! Are you ready to stop judging and start appreciating?

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