As the world gets closer and smaller, the lives on other hand are just getting busier failing to experience the blessings of nature. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, we fail to realise how important our health is. Diseases like Arthritis, juvenile diabetes, diseases relating to heart, liver and kidney are on the rise making them the largest cause of deaths in India. So how do we keep up with the pace with maintaining our health in these modern day times? We are surrounded by technology in every single direction and it’s for the good. As parents we try and take all steps that can possibly save our children from any sort of trouble, pain or possibility of any life threatening diseases.
While we have all heard of cord blood banking that was launched a couple of years ago and is gaining a lot of momentum now, there is a step ahead that as parents we must know about. Â Dental Stem Cell Banking is a new preservation method where the stem cells found in the dental pulp of milk teeth, permanent teeth of teenagers and young adults is preserved. The cells may be used to repair and cure ’tissue & organ related diseases’ such as bone, cartilage, liver, diabetes, arthritis and many more. These stem cells are preserved in cryogenic tanks at a temperature of -196 degrees (minus 196 degrees Celsius). These dental stem cells are potentially a safeguard for the future health of a child and may be later retrieved for the cure of many diseases. This eliminates the need to find a suitable donor and associated complications.
Stemade, India’s first and largest Private Dental Stem Preservation Company is present in over 25 cities within India. So if you missed cord blood banking then you must not miss out on this opportunity. If you have already done the cord blood banking then this is an add on. The advantage of Dental Stem Cell Banking is the duration for preserving healthy dental stem cells is long, since it can be done for children in the age group of 5-12 years and also for adults under the age of 30. The collection of stem cells from the pulp of the tooth is easy, quick, highly efficient, with no ethical complications, as it involves a simple process of extraction of the tooth. One of the biggest advantages that doctors suggest is ‘ideal for tissue reconstruction’.
While this just a brief introduction to the concept I am very keen to know more about dental stem cell banking and the differences in cord blood and dental banking. If you are just as keen then stay tuned. If you have any queries please share it with us in the comments below or on our Facebook or Twitter page.