A question almost every Indian is familiar with is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Ishita Katyal, a 10-year-old girl from Pune was asked the same question but instead of just stating a profession she answered in the most thought provoking way. She said, ” Why do you have do you have to wait till you grow up?”
Ishita is a 5th grade student of Vibgyor High School in Pune and is already making headlines for being among the youngest Indians to speak at the TED Youth Conference in New York. Held on Children’s Day, Ishita says she drew her inspiration and courage to speak at TEDx by listening to stories and experiences shared by others who spoke before her. She truly believes , “Age is just a number and that any child is capable of great actions and can touch the lives of others regardless of his/her age.“
Watch the video and prepare to be blown away!
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