Ayurveda Expert Shares 5 Foods You Need To Add To Your Kid’s Diet

The art of practicing Ayurveda includes much wisdom that is easily applied to kids, as well as adults. When you apply Ayurveda to your kid’s life, you introduce them to good health & immunity for life. Ayurveda expert, Dimple Jangda shares tips that you should follow.
growing child

There are 3 energy types present in all of us and as per Ayurveda, everyone has one dominant dosha.

Now you may not know this but all kids in their growing years are in the Kapha phase of their life and their diet should be one that complements that phase.

The whole philosophy of Ayurveda can be summed up in one simple line–When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when the diet is correct, medicine is not needed. So what is it that kids should eat through their developmental years

We spoke to Ayurveda health coach Dimple Jangda and asked her this question and this is what she said

We keep getting questions about what to give kids to help them put on weight. Not every child grows at the same rate, of course, and growth charts aren’t perfect. So what can a parent do? Dimple Jangda tell us

Food is such a big part of our lives and our health and immunity are dependent on what we cook and serve our family. When you have a plan like the KSP Meal Plan at your disposal you can be sure that your health is going to be taken care of.

The meal plan we send out every week is a well thought out compilation based on what’s in season and what you need to simplify your life – Whether it is fun recipes, easy lunchbox ideas or a grocery list so you shop smart every week – we put it all together for your EVERY WEEK and all it will cost you is Rs 499 for the FULL YEAR. So who is ready to take the plunge?

Click here to know more!!


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