There is something special about animals and children's books. Books are your child's first outlook on wildlife that lays a foundation to raising them as nature and animal lover. Ever since they are tiny, we make them fall in love with The Very Hungry Caterpillar or the Brown Bear or the Gajapati Kulapatis back home!
March 3rd every year, is celebrated as World Wildlife Day by the United Nations. And in commemorating that, we have curated a list of the best children's books that teach your kids all about the wonders of the wildlife, the threats they are exposed to, how humans need to be more evolved in their approach toward wildlife and what we can do to save them.
Go ahead and save this list to buy your favourites. And don't forget to sign up for KSP Book Club for more age-appropriate book lists for your kids.
A Bee's Difficult Search For Food
Age: 6 and above
So what does it mean to be moved away from your habitat? How difficult is life when you are forced to live elsewhere? Your kids will find the answers to these questions through a bee's journey on how we are putting the lives of animals at risk by displacing them. An eye-opener and a conversation starter for sure.
Scroll down to check out the other books we have suggested. And if you are on the lookout for our editor's picks of the best children's books of 2020 by both Indian and International authors- exclusive our premium book list here.