Book Review: The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

Like every mom your first book by Eric Carle will be the The very hungry caterpillar and if you wonder whats the big deal about his book as they have such simple stories and I dont need to own his books. It takes the readers through the journey of a tiny seed, through many seasons, colours and finally how pollination happens again.

Like every mom your first book by Eric Carle will be the The very hungry caterpillar and if you wonder whats the big deal about his book as they have such simple stories and I dont need to own his books. I can probably just borrow it. Think again!There is just so much you can teach your child wit that book. Colours numbers, days of the week, names of fruits, lifecycle of a butterfly. It just doesn’t end.

Anyways coming back to the tiny seed which is one of the lesser known titles but I quite like it. It takes the readers through the journey of a tiny seed, through many seasons, colours and finally how pollination happens again.

Some people are of the opinion that its not for preschoolers and maybe 1st or 2nd grade but I dont think so. They need to know about how seeds grow into plants and how seasons change.

As usual the illustrations are fantastic with a lot of colour and interesting art techniques. It holds the childrens attention all through the book. Here is a book reading of the Tiny Seed that may help you decided whether or not you should get or borrow this book.

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