Books That Help Kids Understand Climate Change

In this episode today, we will revisit the best books that help explain to your little ones why climate change is real and needs our attention. These books help kids understand the basics that make it easier when you want to engage in a fruitful conversation with them on serious topics like this. Add them to your collection today. Stay tuned for our other videos in this series.

Each one of us professes our disgust when we hear about the rising pollution levels and the effects of climate change. But do you think we talk about it enough with our kids? It is very hard to talk to young children about climate change but it is the need of the hour because we need to raise children that are committed towards this cause in any small manner that they can. 

At home, I used to encourage my girls not to use plastic and today they wouldn't use it themselves. They understand the importance of making this shift by themselves. The more they read about this, the more curious they get and find ways how they can make a difference. 

In this episode today, we will revisit the best books that help explain to your little ones why climate change is real and needs our attention. These books help kids understand the basics that make it easier when you want to engage in a fruitful conversation with them on serious topics like this. Greta Thunberg is an inspiration you cannot miss talking to your children about – her commitment of saving the planet is unbelievable and she would be a great inspiration to your children. 

Add these books to your collection today.

Greta's Story 

Plastic Sucks. You Can Make A Difference

Stay tuned for our other videos in this series. 

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