Did You Know Your Skin Is A Reflection Of Your Gut?

Everything we eat makes a difference in the way our body and skin react to it. There is a direct relationship between your skin and gut health. Read this now!
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Everything we eat makes a difference. And different ways our body and skin react to it. What is important is what you absorb, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and good fats but if you don’t have the right level of absorption of micronutrients, and macronutrients, you will see there will be skin issues. Basically, what you eat is what to absorb.

Skin and Gut are closely related. Bad skin is an indicator of what is going in your gut, it is a true parameter, effectively working or not as the skin is the immune system of the body.

Did You Know?

An unhealthy gut shows up on your skin and it impacts overall health.

70% of the immune system lies in our gut, and if anything goes wrong in your gut finds its reflection on your skin. That is why it is important to ensure gut health is okay if you want healthy glowing skin

Acne, psoriasis, and eczema play a dimensional role in your gut and hormone estrogen and progesterone imbalances, sometimes high prolactin and high insulin other factors play a role in gut health.

The discolouration is related to insulin resistance darkening on the skin- back of the neck due to inflammation of the gut.

A Few Disturbances That Occur In Your Gut Are: 

Food intolerance is the number one cause: 

  • Over some time we see an increase in intolerances to sugar, gluten, dairy, citrus fruits, and lentils in people which has resulted in other inflammatory responses in the body and especially symptoms showing up on the skin. 
  • Autoimmune conditions like Bullous pemphigoid, Psoriasis, Ulcerative colitis, and lupus have increased in the last 4 – 5 years because of food intolerance and food insensitivity. 
  • Inflammation of the skin like Psoriasis, Flaky skin, and irritated patches related to inflammation in the gut, what we need to focus on here is sustaining our gut health. 

Constipation, indigestion, and acid reflux:

  • They play an important role on your skin as well, they go hand in hand with creating a lot of heat in the body.
  • Toxins from the large intestine when you do not clear your intestine properly lead to red bumps, and heat rashes, all over the skin.
  • Make sure to have a regular bowel movement as it eliminates waste from the body taking the burden off your skin.

Hormones imbalance:

  • Hormones and the gut are closely connected. Estrogen dominance and insulin resistance may result in skin issues like pigmentation, skin tags, and darkening in the elbow, back of the neck, and armpits. 
  • They negatively react with the non-effective function of the gut and pro-inflammatory metabolic changes leading to toxins overload making it harder for the liver to detoxify.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin Through The Vision Of Gut Health: 

  • Have 1 tsp sabja seeds (basil seeds) soaked in water for 15 minutes let it swell up, and drink it with a glass of water or seeds every alternate day to cool down the heat of your body.
  • Try incorporating saunf, and jeera in your daily routine during your midday or evening tea which is also beneficial to reduce heat and regulating motions. 
  • For autoimmune conditions eating bone broth, and collagen supplements to heal leaky gut is great for the skin. They support a healthy gut microbiome and promote healthy skin.
  • For heat acne, and cystic acne turmeric and ginger help as they have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin E and omega 3 can be added for skin acne, itching, and dryness of the skin.
  • Allergies are very common, Quercetin can be taken for allergic acne. Removing histamine sources from the diet helps reduce allergic reaction that comes up to the skin.
  • Adding the right kind of probiotic strain called acidophilus. Plantarum, prebiotic sources like leek, artichoke, and asparagus help balance 85% of good bacteria and 25% of bad bacteria in the gut in a way radiating through your skin.
  • Ensure most of these gut-related skin presentations reduces by balancing the root cause of the problem. 
  • The particular method we get to know there is a problem in the gut. 
  • Working on an elimination plan through the lens of working on the 5R step process. (Remove, reinoculate, repair, rebalance and re-introduce)
  • Removing irritants and replacing them with the right kind of food sources and reinoculate bad bacteria and working on repairing the lining of the gut. This will help improve your skin and gut better.

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