Easy Meal Prep Hacks Saved Me Time In The Kitchen

Meal planning can mean different things to different people.For instance, it could mean planning, shopping, prepping, and cooking all the meals over the weekend so that you just reheat and serve.Mansi Zaveri, Founder of KSP & I have been planning meals, trying hacks and putting together meal plans for over 5 years now. Check out 5 hacks that can help you!

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Moms spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to cook every day so that they can put a smile on their family’s faces. And I can tell you from my personal experiences, that this is not only extremely time-consuming but mentally exhausting. There is always someone not happy with what’s been served. I am sure it has happened to you. Enter meal planning.

Meal planning can mean different things to different people.

For instance, it could mean planning, shopping, prepping, and cooking all the meals over the weekend so that you just reheat and serve. The other way of doing it would be to plan, shop and prep over the weekend so that you can churn out fresh meals every day. This is the KSP way mostly.

Mansi Zaveri, Founder of KSP & I have been planning meals, trying hacks and putting together meal plans for over 5 years now.

In today’s video, we share 5 tips and hacks with you that worked very well for our family and in our kitchens.

Every week I send out the KSP Meal Plans to 1000’s of moms who need help figuring out “aaj khane mein kya banaye”.

Does that question frustrate you as well? I know a lot of people who panic as meal times approach. Are you one of them?

When You Join The Meal Planning Tribe You Will Realize That: 

  • You don’t have to think about meals more than a couple of times a month. 
  • You don’t waste food as leftovers can be remade into the next day’s meal. 
  • You don’t have to cook from scratch many evenings, rather you just assemble the parts you made previously.

If this doesn’t convince you and you want to see what everyone is actually getting when they subscribe to the KSP Meal Plan – you can get a peek at a week’s meal plan for just Rs 99.

Don’t forget to like & subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a new video alert!

We also chatted with Chef Rakhee Vaswani and she shares some fantastic tips that can help you in the kitchen!

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