Read the list of books to be read this summer here.
The challenge that most parents have signed up and are loving is the one titled "For Raising A More Empathetic Next Gen".
Every parent agrees that the biggest challenge we have in today's world is in raising our kids to be kind and empathetic towards others. In a fast-paced world, where our needs are the sole focus- we need to pause, and teach kids to be kind- to have gratitude and be thankful for what they have!
And nothing like books to drive home the message! Here are the best books for 6-8-year-olds that help drive home these key values:
The Boy & The Drum
Author: Umesh PN
A folktale about giving and kindness transform into a lively play- a fun read for your kids. Buy here
Author: Margery Cuyler
When the whole class is acting up, instead of reacting, Mrs. Ruler comes up with kindness tasks for the children. Teaches the kids how small acts beginning at home, go a long way in teaching good things to the kids. Buy here
Your Turn Now-True Stories Of Kindness For Children
Author: Lubaina Bandukwala
The book is a delightful collection of stories that teach your kids all about making the earth a better place to live in through simple acts of kindness. Buy here
Author: Trudy Ludwig
You must have heard stories of how some kids in the class (if not yours) are left out and not included in friends circles. These stories make us feel really sad for the neglected soul. But when young Brian finds true friendship in the form of Justin, we all feel good. Buy here
Why Are You Afraid To Hold My Hand?
Author: Sheila Dhir
Most people are confused about how to react to those with disabilities. Their questions, misconceptions, doubts and fears are answered here – simply and straight from the heart – by a child with cerebral palsy. Buy here
Author: Maria Dismondy
If you’ve got kids who excel at sibling rivalry over the smallest of things- then this book should help see them through. Teaches the simple concept of how you can see through each other’s differences and learn to share and care. Buy here
Cookies Board Book: Bite Size Life Lessons
Author: Amy Krouse Rosenthal
A fun picture book for kids that teaches them what’s right, what’s not, what’s fair, what’s it means to cooperate and share. Buy here
Author: Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
When the class gets a project on kindness from their teacher, Mrs Bloom, Minna clueless at first, but comes up with a unique idea! The idea is to keep the kindness acts increasing and inspiring your kids to do more! Buy here
Here's how you can be a part of KSP Summer Fun Factory:
- Make sure you sign up to be a part of the #KSPSummerFun (Click here to sign up now!)
- You can choose the suitable reading challenges according to your child's interest and age.
- Make sure you complete your selected challenge and you can also let us know how your kids enjoyed the challenge.
- Share pics and reviews (your child can pen them!) of your child's favourite books from the challenge and win prizes! We will also be sharing book reviews by the kids with their names on and our social pages like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. So feel free to send it to us on [email protected]
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