Everyone Saw Him As A “Special Child”, But I Saw Him As “Special”

Adoption has now become normal. However, hearing about a 27-year-old wanting to adopt a kid with special needs is still not normal- yet truly inspiring.

Adoption has started to become normal now. It’s turned into a good deed. But years ago, it was considered weird, “why do you want to adopt, when you can have your own kids?” was a question that was inbuilt with this topic. And a single man adopting a special child was unheard of. But Aditya Tiwari did just that.

Who Is Aditya Tiwari?

The first thing that’ll probably pop in your minds is, “is he a celerity?” or “is he rich?”. Well, the answer to both these questions are a big no! Then why did he adopt a child? That to a child with special needs…

Aditya Tiwari is just a common 27-year-old single man who felt an unspoken connection with this child. Even though this kid had not one but multiple disorders and multiple needs, this did not waver Aditya’s decision to adopt him. He didn’t like the way the orphanage treated him and wished to raise him on his own.

Was The Adoption Process Easy?

It was everything but that. Aditya had to fight a long judicial battle and prove himself multiple times. But he did it, he questioned the government and fought for this kid who he had come to love and believe in so much.

This story is nothing but inspiring and purely wholesome. It shows how there are still good people and humanity in this world. Where sometimes even family casts family out, a stranger made a stranger his own family.

Watch The Entire Interview Here! It Is A Story You Shouldn’t Miss!

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