New Mental Health Guidelines For Schools Issued: NCERT

Read more on the role of schools in ensuring your child’s mental well-being. NCERT’s new survey throws light on this and proposes new guidelines for schools.
mental health children ncert

It’s exam season everywhere. And as someone juggling between Food chain and Fractions, I can vouch that it isn’t the favourite time of the year for parents and students!

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), recently published a mental health survey report. It presented some interesting findings on what today’s children are going through. And what we, as parents and schools can do to mitigate that. Over 3.79 lakh students from 36 states and UTs were surveyed for this report.

The survey report launched last week cited exams, results, and peer pressure among the major factors for stress and anxiety among school students.

Click here to read the report.

Findings From The NCERT Mental Health Survey

  • A surprising 51% of kids reported difficulty in learning content online.
  • Only 55% of students said they were confident about their physical appearance.
  • 33% of the total respondents agreed that they tried to please their friends most of the time.
  • When asked what caused them major anxiety the answer was clear- 50% claimed that it was studies and 31% claimed it was exams and results.
  • 42% of students in the secondary stage claimed that through most parts of the week, they were worried and concerned for their future.
  • Over 43% of students in the secondary stage, claimed they experienced mood swings during the pandemic.
  • Over 49% of kids said they felt comfortable talking to their friends about managing their emotions compared to 24% who said they were comfortable with their parents.
  • A majority of students considered themselves trustworthy. And do not hesitate in seeking social support which is a protective factor for mental well-being.

As a result of these findings and the survey, the guidelines for “Early identification and intervention for mental health problems in school-going children and adolescents” have been released by the NCERT. And these would be implemented across schools in the country.

Newly Proposed NCERT Guidelines

“Schools generally are seen as spaces where communities of learners have been expected to develop in a safe and secure environment. School management, principal, teachers, other staff, and students all spend around 1/3 of a day and around 220 days in a year in schools across the states and UTs in India. For residential schools, the time spent by a student in the school community is even more. Therefore, it is the school’s responsibility to ensure the safety, security, health, and well-being of all children in schools and hostels”

  • The guidelines have proposed that every school or group of schools should establish a mental health advisory panel.
  • NCERT has recommended, that teachers need to be informed about early flag signs observed in children with regard to mental well-being. In addition to families and parents, as they are also considered primary caregivers of children.
  • Addressing cyberbullying- that’s another major threat for today’s children, the guidelines recommend that teachers should talk about bullying cases in class. And empower students by educating them regarding bullying.
  • They should provide a confidential way for students to report any incident which is of concern to them.
  • The guidelines also propose that teachers must be trained in identifying early signs in students. For attachment issues, separation anxiety, school refusal, communication issues, anxiety patterns, and depressive states. Also, conduct-related issues, excessive internet use, hyperactivity, intellectual disability, and learning disabilities.

What Can We Do As Parents?

As parents, it is imperative for us to join hands with our children’s school. To ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment for our children. To flourish not only in their academic and overall development but also, a place that nourishes their mental well-being. Over the years, we at Kidsstoppress have spoken to a number of mental health experts and here is what they had to say. Go ahead and click on the below links and share it with a parent you care about.

For Kids Who Are Lagging Behind In Their Studies- Here’s What Parents Must Remember

Separation Anxiety In Children

Are You Worried About Your Teen’s Smartphone Addiction?

Mental Health Problems In Children: Know The Signs

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