Give Wings To Your Child’s Imagination Through Art

There is no right or wrong way of doing art. This art teacher explains why we should let kids explore and be when their imagination starts running wild.

Children are visionary thinkers.

A child's mind is full of imagination and colour, and art as a medium helps them express themselves in an uninhibited manner. A blue pineapple drawn by a child can communicate blue being the favourite colour, the child feeling sad and therefore conveying one’s feeling through the pineapple. 

It is very important to let a child's imagination grow and blossom, which helps the child become more confident and not shy away from revealing their innermost feelings.

Children have an innovative way of thinking and a very different perspective. I remember an incident where a child was drawing a triangle which was red and yellow. When asked what it was? The reply was ‘ I am feeling hungry, and there is enough space in my stomach to fit a slice of pizza ( hence the triangle was drawn).

When children create a drawing or painting they may be facilitated if needed but it is imperative that they are allowed to exhibit themselves freely.

I encourage children and say that there are no mistakes in art, just new ideas.

A thing or object does not necessarily have to be depicted in the exact way it, a fresh perspective is what fuels the mind. Let your little artist take the joy in creating something which is truly an expression of their mind, maybe with broken lines, colouring was done outside, a little crooked flower but made from the bottom of their heart.

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