Help Your Kids Ace The English Language With Cambridge English Young Learners Test

Age Group:Children aged 6-7 years will be qualified to appear for the Young Learners (Starters) programme. Children aged 11-12 years will be qualified to appear for the Young Learners (Flyers) programme. Help your child take the practice tests from Cambridge English: Young Learner’s tests.

Remember as little children- how we would learn something new and immediately conduct mock tests to see if we have learnt it right? The confidence a child gets when clearing a test and the smile that it brings on his/her face is priceless! Also, children find it motivating when they realise their true potential and cross all hurdles while learning something new. Learning- when coupled with fun always makes it more memorable and enjoyable for children. Cambridge English Language Assessment-a part of Cambridge University does just that.

They have come up with an interesting and an innovative concept called the “Cambridge English Young Learners Test”. Every year, thousands of young champs enroll themselves for this exam to test their knowledge and proficiency in English. These skill based exams are focused on the practical knowledge of the language.

Why this exam?

  • Children always need an encouragement and stimulation when learning something new. Young Learners Test helps the kids to develop an affinity for English.
  • The training sessions-test and the certificates provide the necessary impetus for the children to recognize their talents and ability to learn something new.

About the exam:

  • There are 3 papers- Listening, Reading & Writing, Speaking.
  • Candidates are tested based on International Standards- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • Kids will receive structured training sessions to help them appear for the exam. Training sessions are fun-based which include solving puzzles, drawing and colouring.

Age Group:

  • Children aged 6-7 years will be qualified to appear for the Young Learners (Starters) programme.
  • Children aged 8-10 years will be qualified to appear for the Young Learners (Movers) programme.
  • Children aged 11-12 years will be qualified to appear for the Young Learners (Flyers) programme.


Every participant who appears for the test will be awarded with a Cambridge English certificate- which would be a clear indicator of their performance in the test- and in specific each of the skills, to help them develop it further.

How to prep your child for the exam?

  • Encourage your child to take up the test and help them during the preparation phase.
  • Stay connected with the materials and books they study.
  • Help your child take the practice tests from Cambridge English: Young Learner’s tests.
  • Appreciate the efforts of your kids at each phase- it will help them in the long run.

Contact: Young Learners English
Register Here: Young Learners English
Download From: App Store

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