Here’s How To Not Make Learning Mundane For Preschoolers

Here are fun flashcards that are approved by experts all over the world that bring more curiosity to a child. Here’s why you should add them to the cart.

2020 was a rollercoaster, especially for parents. Early learning has gone for a toss because kids are stuck indoors and the lack of exposure has made things worse. 2021 had a little ray of hope earlier this year, but with the recent numbers in Mumbai and the second wave kicking in, as parents we need to be the school, teacher, caretaker, and everything our child needs once again – at home only.

So – how do we do that at home? I am sure we want our children to physically go to school. Secondly, is online learning effective – especially for young kids?

We understand your plight and so this week on #FindItOnKSP, we introduce you Summer Stories flashcards that are educational with fun facts. This makes learning easy at home. Scroll down to know more. 

P.S In case you you haven't checked out KSP Summer Fun Factory has curated 45+ courses for your kids this summer – access them here. It is great for more learning in the summer, with access to storytellers, books lists, and more. 

What Is Summer Stories?

Summer Stories engage the kids indoors with flashcards  that teach various concepts designed specially by teachers all around the world. This will make learning less mundane. 

What will you find in Summer Stories 


  • Summer Stories has collaborated with kids illustrators and teachers from all over the world. The quality of design and flashcards sets them apart from the other brands. 
  • Wide range of educational flashcards such as –  high contrast everyday objects, shapes and colours, underwater world, alphabets are fun, 21 acts of kindness, countries and flags, farm animals, high contrast forest friends, emotions and feelings, and more.
  • They have a range of products including flashcards, learning cards, books & puzzles.
  • By introducing the flascards,  you will build curiosity because it has beautiful artwork and design, using eco-friendly material. 
  • You could introduce riddles, concept learning, fun facts through these cards. It is a fun way to bond with the family. 

Do let us know how you are ensuring learning is consistent with your kids at home by writing to us at [email protected] 

Age Group0-8 Years

Price: Rs. 699

Where To Buy: Summer Stories

Instagram: Summer Stories 

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