Hilarious Halloween Jokes (For Kids & Adults)

We dare you not to scream with laughter when you hear these, We’ve rounded up a list of sweet and funny Halloween jokes for kids that are sure to bring on Jack-O’-Lantern grins. To hear more jokes, click on this link and have some boo-riffic fun!

Happy Halloween!

Do you know about my obsession with (awesomely funny) lame jokes? You know – the sort of jokes that make everyone laugh out loud, while simultaneously rolling their eyes? I love them! These jokes on Halloween are epic.

Did you know that in some parts of the country, children have to tell a joke or do something to earn their trick-or-treat candy? 

We dare you not to scream with laughter when you hear these, We’ve rounded up a list of sweet and funny Halloween jokes for kids that are sure to bring on Jack-O’-Lantern grins. To get you into the Halloween mood, we also have a curated list of movies to watch with your kids, DIY costume ideas and also check out our Halloween recipes.

This is just a snippet of the fun stuff waiting for you. Listen to our bank of Halloween jokes by clicking on this link.  Tell us in the comments below which one is your favourite!

Don’t forget to like & subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a new video alert.

Also if you’re wondering what last-minute Halloween snacks you can make check out these Halloween recipes

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