How to Talk to your Kids about Tragedies

And just like us many parents struggle on how much of events, such as the bomb blast or any other tragedies, to share, how much to tell them, what to leave out, and how to allow them to hold on to their innocence at the same time. The recent events in the last two weeks with bombings, rapes, sexual abuse has left us so stirred that it takes courage to sheild and share just the right amount of information with children. Here are 7 tips you can remember to stay strong and continuously remind your kids of the good in the world even though there is bad:1.

how to talk to kids about tragedy

There are so many things in this world that we want to protect our children from. And just like us many parents struggle on how much of events, such as the bomb blast or any other tragedies, to share, how much to tell them, what to leave out, and how to allow them to hold on to their innocence at the same time. The recent events in the last two weeks with bombings, rapes, sexual abuse has left us so stirred that it takes courage to sheild and share just the right amount of information with children.

Here are 7 tips you can remember to stay strong and continuously remind your kids of the good in the world even though there is bad:

1. Begin with telling them what happened, in age appropriate terms.

2. Our first instinct would be to put on the news to see and understand what’s happening, but stop and think, it might just be too much for your child. Don’t show any videos or news if they are too young but yet, allow them to see images of the brave who went and helped the injured in the tragedy, they are the heroes.

3. Explain that there are always good and bad people in the world. And whether the tragedy is on a small or large scale, there will always be good people there and they must keep the hope and look for the good.

4. Make sure from everything that you tell them, they don’t get scared and look at the world as a scary place. They should believe it is a good and safe place.

5. Allow them to feel sad and grieve for a while but then let them go back out in the world, play, and let them be children once again.

6. Make sure they know you should tell the people whom you love that you love them and miss them. Cuddle your child once in a while and make sure they know they’re loved.

7. Finally, review a safety plan with you kids. I was never taught this as a kids but it is important that when your child is old enough that they know how to contact the police, hospital or ambulance, and firemen in case anything ever happens. Write it down, keep it in a safe place, and once in a while remind them of it.

Have a happy and safe life 🙂



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