What Does Your Child Reach For When They Want A Snack?

Are you a parent who is constantly listening to ‘Mama I’m hungry’. Umm..didn’t you just finish lunch? Coming up with snack ideas, meal ideas can be a daunting task. But the whole point of us putting out a brand new meal plan every week is that you don’t have to stress about it. Are you stuck? Let us help you? By the way, what’s your go-to snack to eat with your chai/coffee? To continue reading this article, please subscribe to KSP Meal Plans Membership. Or if you have already, please log in to read the article right away!
Are you a parent who is constantly listening to 'Mama I'm hungry'. Umm..didn't you just finish lunch? Coming up with snack ideas, meal ideas can be a daunting task. But the whole point of us putting out a brand new meal plan every week is that you don't have to stress about it. Are you stuck? Let us help you? By the way, what’s your go-to snack to eat with your chai/coffee?
To continue reading this article, please subscribe to KSP Meal Plans Membership. Or if you have already, please log in to read the article right away!


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