Is It Okay If Your Kids Know You Smoke?

Yet another #KSPQuestionOfTheWeek, yet this one is a s complex as a question can be. Read to know all about it!
kspquestionoftheweek Smoke

This question is complex and the answer is even more so. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to raising our kids with values, integrity and good habits. But kids learn what they see, if we ourselves cling on to some bad habits, isn’t it obvious they’ll want to inherit them too?

We as parents, sometimes forget the kind of impact we have on our kids’ lives, personalities and even habits. The adult they become in the future is like a reflection of us. So, it is very natural for them to try the things we do. This also includes peer pressure, but that’s when they are a little more mature, that’s when they too start making conscious choices for themselves. But for the kiddos? It’s all you!

How do we explain why one smokes to those small eyes who are watching every move we make?

Well, in times like these we must remember- baby steps.

Explaining to them the pros and cons of the matter may help. Well, it’s a good start at least.  

We wanted to know your opinions and so posted this on our social media as #KSPQuestionOfTheWeek .

Here are some of the interesting comments!

Yes, they are going to find out anyway. So, it’s better if it comes from the parents first.

Yes! Hopefully!

Whoa! Well, what are your thoughts? Type it in the comments below and share this with fellow parents to know their side of the story.

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