KSP Book Club: Abba’s Day

The book explains how little Ayesha is all excited about her favourite day of the week- the things she does with Abba and Ammi and how much fun they have together on a relaxing Sunday. If you are looking for an Indian picture book that has a story our kids can relate to and have fun reading, this one makes it to the list. And stay tuned for KSP Book Club every week for the best reads for your kids!

What are your plans of a Sunday? A movie with the kids, maybe. A visit to the nearby mall to check on the new outlets. Or crashing on the couch to catch some new specials on your Netflix. I am sure a dozen other ideas creep into our minds and right at the beginning of the week- we are already planning about the weekend! But did you know that kids have it all sorted about how they want to spend their weekend? The little ones have it all planned and actually look forward to spending every minute with us- to help create magical memories together!

Today in KSP Book Club, we discuss one such book that explains all about a little girl and how she wants to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. 

Which book are we reading? 

The book that's on our shelf this week is Abba's Day written by Sunaina Ali and is published by KathaBuy here.

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What is it about?

The book explains how little Ayesha is all excited about her favourite day of the week- the things she does with Abba and Ammi and how much fun they have together on a relaxing Sunday. Until you realise there is a part of the story that's revealed at the end- there's no big fuss about it, but just a seamless narration.

Why is this book on our shelf?

  • For the little readers, it's essential we choose books that have a simple, yet effective storyline. This book does just that. 
  • The author, Sunaina Ali, handles topics such as disabilities, feminism and gender reversal with such ease in the narration, and the narrative comes across as seamless too!
  • How much do kids know about having a stay-at-home dad and all the fun they can have?  This book will prompt your kids to urge their dads to spend more time with them and have more fun!
  • If you are looking for an Indian picture book that has a story our kids can relate to and have fun reading, this one makes it to the list.

You may also like: Why we as parents, must put an end to boys will be boys.  

Is there any new book that you got for your child and are really impressed? Tell us about it in the comments below! And stay tuned for KSP Book Club every week for the best reads for your kids!

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