KSP Book Club: No Means No!

This book indeed is a positive reinforcement that all of us need for ourselves and for our kids because it is really important to listen and respect the inner voice. 5 videos that explain good touch and bad touch to kids So, we are saying: This book opens up avenues of follow-up discussions to imbibe these essential life lessons of choices and rights early in life.

Which book are we reading today?

The book that we are reading and highly recommending to parents today is "No Means No!" by Jayneen Sanders, illustrated by Cherie Zamazing and published by Upload Publishing. 

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What is this book about? 

To have a mind of one's own is very important, especially for today's kids. This book indeed is a positive reinforcement that all of us need for ourselves and for our kids because it is really important to listen and respect the inner voice. It teaches children about personal boundaries, respect and consent; empowering kids by respecting their choices and their right to say, 'No!'

KSP Book Club: Soda And Bonda 

Isn't it okay to say no to an auntie who wants to kiss you? A handshake or a hi-five is also so cool. Not playing bully games is okay. Also, not wanting to hold a friend's hand sometimes is also okay. Listening to your inner mind is absolutely okay because a no is really a no.


5 videos that explain good touch and bad touch to kids

So, we are saying:

This book opens up avenues of follow-up discussions to imbibe these essential life lessons of choices and rights early in life. Furthermore, the 'Note to the Reader' at the beginning of the book and the 'Discussion Questions' on the final pages augment this essential discussion. Having a candid discussion with children helps them in a situation of physical, emotional and sexual abuse and empowers them.

Isn't this such a lovely message to read and discuss with them! My only wish was that if the author and illustrator could have used a boy and a girl both for their book. As the need of the hour really is to teach both boys and girls these empowering life lessons. Buy here

KSP Book Review: The Watch Out Series- No Touch! 

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