Ksp Crafty Mondays: Beyond the routine, Outdoor Craft Ideas

Then let the kids spend some time searching for things from nature like twigs, leaves, flowers etc to stick on their paper faces. Butterfly Life Cycle: Fort his you will need Paper plate , Leaves & twigs, Dried white beans, Dried rotini, shells, bowtie pasta, craft glue and labels. DIY Nature Craft: Collect different things from nature and let kids use their imagination to create their own craft work.

Ksp crafty Mondays has bought to you so many things to do with your kids. Experiments with eggs and water and craft ideas to help your kids learn better every week. This week we thought of trying something out of the house. Use your imagination and spend time with outdoors while doing these craft ideas.

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1.Nature Faces: This is such a fun way of giving nature a face. Cut paper in the shape of a face you like. Then let the kids spend some time searching for things from nature like twigs, leaves, flowers etc to stick on their paper faces. Once they are done, let the sticking begin. Read more.



2. Activity Stones:  Pick up pebbles or stones and paint on them. You could paint names, numbers, alphabets or anything else you like. Paint crosses and zeroes and play tic tac toe with stones.Read more.

activity stones


3. Fairy Garden: In a plant pot, fill garden soil and let the kids add pebbles, twigs etc. Its like having your own fairy tale garden. Read more.



4. Butterfly Life Cycle: Fort his you will need Paper plate , Leaves & twigs,  Dried white beans, Dried rotini, shells, bowtie pasta, craft glue and  labels.  On a paper plate, let the kids use the supplies and make their butterfly life cycle by showing the different stages. Read more.

butterfly lifecyle


5. DIY Nature Craft: Collect different things from nature and let kids use their imagination to create their own craft work. Read more.

outdoor craft


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