Masala Lab | Grandmom’s Cooking Vs. How We Cook Now – What’s The Right Way?

From creating music to dishing out fluffy idlis, understanding the basic principles and science behind what goes into it is a battle half won! Krish Ashok or Masala Lab as he is popularly known is not a scientist but he can explain science with easy-to-understand clarity.

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The internet is a scary place. Everyone is giving some advice and people take all of it very seriously. At a time like that, Krish Ashok aka @masalalab is asking the right questions and giving you answers along the way.

Krish Ashok is also a regular columnist on food, science, and culture for many well-known publications. And is a trained Indian classical violinist who also plays the Cello and electric guitar and composes and produces music that you can listen to on all major streaming platforms. 

To him, the Indian kitchen is a fascinating place where science can be observed and learnt. He wants people to question the why and not just stop and do things because some guru they follow on the net said so. From making music to dishing out fluffy idlis, understanding the basic principles and science behind what goes into it is a battle half won! He is not a scientist but he can explain science with easy-to-understand clarity.

Our editor Parul Gupta chatted with Krish Ashok, author of Masala Lab about

  • How & why the Global Head of TCS workspace started talking about food and became such an internet sensation
  • Facts about food based on the science
  • Hacks and tips that help meal plan in the Krish Ashok household

and so much more!

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