Mythology Is A Lot More Than Just The Gods

Shubha Vilas Prabhuji where he breaks down the Ramayana Find out in the below videos where Prabhuji explains how you can help apply the Ramayana in your life. And for the young minds, he helps draw parallels from Ramayana to our daily lives and what values it teaches us. It’s something every child should be introduced to.

Mythology is a lot more than just the Gods

We’ve grown up on a healthy diet of mythology and classical stories from our Grandmas when we were kids. Why should our kids miss on those amidst all the Harry Potters and Famous Fives?!

The Ramayana is one of the most popular epics in the world. As children, we grew up on a steady diet of Ramayan stories from our grandparents and storybooks and TV serials. Do today’s kids have the same exposure? Do they get a chance to know the epic and the various life lessons it teaches us?

In a series of exclusive courses on #KSPSummerFunFactory with Shubha Vilas Prabhuji, we present a series of video workshops that discuss at length in a kid-friendly way the delightful stories, morals, lessons, and hidden gems from the lives of Rama, Krishna and Hanuman. This generation of iPad, Cocomelon- bred kids need this! 

You can access the courses here: 

Explaining Ramayana to kids

Breaking down the Hanuman Chalisa for kids 

Delightful stories on Krishna for kids 



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