Imagine eating an ice-cream on a scorchingly, hot, unforgiving day which packs a a surprise inside? Here, let us paint you a picture.
First, you choose a Paddle Pop ice-cream. Then you choose from a list of five flavours – cola, bubblegum, orange, apple and grape, and strawberry. Whatever your tongue might ask for that day. Then, while you lick the deliciousness you revel in the fact that it has less than 110 kcal per portion and less than 20g added sugars per 100g. Works perfectly for you and super good for your kids too! Then, when you think you are all done with your ice-cream comes the special surprise! Tucked away inside the very depths of the ice-cream is the sinful yummyness of jelly. Once the creamy exterior melts, your tongue is greeted by a whole new texture! As the jelly swirls around in your mouth you wonder how Paddle Pop managed to pack in so many flavours, textures, tingles, and tastes all into one tiny ice-cream packet? And you swear the next time you need to eat an ice-cream it will be Paddle Pop and nothing else.
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