Parents- Are We Doing This Enough In Our Daily Lives?

This mom has a simple solution to the daily maddening chaos we face. Ready to try it yet?

Laugh a little with your children, because they are on the ride of their life, it is called childhood. Indulge in their antics, their silliness, their meaningless games, let go of yourself. And you will find yourself laughing, sometimes uncontrollably. 

A snowball will suddenly hit your head, you will wonder why were you being so serious all the time?!

Why were you driving yourself insane? This was the way things were supposed to be all along. Fun and games. Why were you fighting it? Your daily corporate job commuter left along with your sleep a long time ago. Are you going to mourn that for the rest of your life and theirs? Or pick up where you left off and have the time of your life while you can. 

Why must there be sense to every situation? You are the ringmaster in this circus, but whipping everyone into shape was never the objective. It will not accomplish much. If you laugh with them, you will be on the same side. They will be more likely to listen to you. Try it before you eventually drop the hammer! 

Everyone tells us that they will grow up soon. But it doesn’t seem soon enough for us. Sometimes, they say something, or you pick a piece of clothing and you catch yourself at that moment. The sand is slipping through your fingers fast, and you didn’t even feel it. 

My son does silly things, all he wants is for me to join in the fun and laugh with him. I used to get irritated that he’s being silly. When he said to me a few times interrupting my train of thoughts, “Mom, you don’t even laugh.” it really hit home. Why don’t I laugh with him? So I began to join in his silly games, or just laugh when he wanted me to. It is not a grown-up joke, but it will be one day, and it will catch you unaware. When did he grow up, when did the silliness turn to sarcasm and then intelligent humour? 

Life can be hard as a mother. You feel like you’re a juggler dropping the balls more often than catching them. Who’s judging you but yourself? It is your high standards that you are unable to uphold. Are those even the right criteria to judge yourself. Shift your focus, the criteria for your judgment are right in front of you. The only thing they have ever asked for is being happy with you. 

Finish your chores if that makes you happy, or leave them be for a while. Make your home the happy place you want to be in. Make your unit the happy gang you want to be a part of. And if sadness comes over you, accept it, let it wash over you, take care of yourself and let it pass. It is an emotion like any other.  

Here is wishing you many silly, happy times ahead! 

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