Why should summer have all the fun? Join FindURClass as they host their monsoon camp 2015  at Mount Litera International School in BKC from the 29th of June to the 24th of July for all those International School students who have their vacations. Do I hear some parents sigh? That’s not it they have full day camps and camps to go by the week too.
What we like:
1. Diverse range of different skills planed to not only keep the kids busy but use that time constructively in learning and acquiring different skills. They provide a large range of events from aero-modelling, programming, paper craft, eco gardening, no fire cooking, to hula hoops and much more.
2. Full Day as well as Weekly camps
3. Camps are being conducted by experts in their fields.
- E – 7 Fitness for Fitness Training
- Soccer Connections
- Little Gardener
- Bombay Paperie
- Little Chef’s
- Little Reader’s Nook
- The Sound Space
- Supersonic Aero Modelers
4. Limited Seats
Click here for Fees, schedule, age groups and to book your class  FindUrClass Monsoon PopUp
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Image Source: Parentmap.com