Review: Learn Math And English Now With Chhota Bheem!

The Chhota Bheem franchise and the world’s most prolific reference books publisher – DK have come together to create a range of high quality reading and learning content for young readers. With an aim to make reading and learning for kids aged 3-5 and 5-7 years, more fun and accessible the publishers have created a new line of mathematics and english workbooks.

How do you combine your child’s love for TV characters with some educational reading? Bring them together of course!

If your child is a huge fan of everything Chhota Bheem, then this one is for you. The Chhota Bheem franchise and the world’s most prolific reference books publisher – DK have come together to create a range of high quality reading and learning content for young readers. With an aim to make reading and learning for kids aged 3-5 and 5-7 years, more fun and accessible the publishers have created a new line of mathematics and english workbooks.

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What the books are all about

Each one of these books are interactive and will keep your child engrossed as Chhota Bheem guides them through the book. And it isn’t just Chhota Bheem! All the characters like Chutki, Jaggu, Kalia and the others take young children through simple and objective based activities through the book. The activities emphasise more on written concepts.

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If you are planning to buy the English series of books, your child will be able to sharpen their creative writing skills. The books also create thinking opportunities for children and have a few activities on tenses, story sequencing etc but none of these activities have a set structure for young ones to follow. These books will not work as standalone learning but will compliment classroom learning.


These are some of the titles launching this year

  1. Let’s Make English Fun and Let’s Make Maths Fun: Activities for kids in both subjects.
  2. Chhota Bheem and Me: This 104-page journal is packed with activities and exercises to keep children engrossed.
  3. Chhota Bheem Readers: This series of four readers will introduce children to Chhota Bheem, his village, friends and foes, and his  crazy adventures.
  4. Chhota Bheem Character Encyclopedia: This book tells  young readers all about the characters in Chhota Bheem’s world, while giving them a chance to explore the village of Dholakpur.

Shop Here:
1. Chota Bheem Gurukool – Let’s Make Maths Fun (3-5 years)

2. Chota Bheem Gurukool – Let’s Make English Fun (3-5 years)

3. Chota Bheem and Me

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