You would have probably heard of Make In India, that’s making news everywhere. Samsung has recently come up with an innovative step, that is a notch further. Make For India, A Samsung Initiative – #SapneHueBade is focussed on taking education to the grassroots level in India and helping the future generation become smarter. Watch this inspiring story of how this initiative has made the dreams of so many young Indians come true in the video below.
We often talk about how the world is shrinking and people across continents can connect seamlessly thanks to technology. And that technology, when put to the right use can make a change in people’s lives. Samsung and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti decided to use technology in the lives of kids in rural India and the outcome is for the future to see. Witnessing the technological advances and connecting to all parts of the globe to learn and advance is now a daily routine for over 2 lakh students and more than 373 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Schools with the Samsung Smart Class Initiative.
This initiative that first began in 2013 has been chiefly responsible for introducing modern learning to children with the help of Samsung tablets, Smartboards and other devices. Each Smart Class consists of 41 tablets, interactive smart boards, printers and other such devices. The children are also immensely benefitted by the use of modern learning apps for subjects such as Computer Science, Mathematics, English and Science. What is the use of knowledge if it doesn’t use practical concepts for better understanding? Samsung Smart Class Initiative understands this right and hence focusses on using interactive modules like animations, videos and presentations to make a better impact on students.
Technological advancements and unique initiatives like these have benefitted the deserving students immensely and indeed, for these kids- “#SapneHueBade”!
Image Source:Â Samsung
This post is in support of the Samsung India initiative.
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