Should I Give My Baby Dal Or Veggie As Their First Food?

Introducing solids to your infant is an exciting milestone. while some parents experiment, most of us pick from the two best tried and tested favourites, dal & veggies. keep reading to know why.

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Introducing solids to your infant is an exciting milestone. When starting their journey to their first food, we need to ensure we choose the foods that give all the vitamins and minerals they need.

There are ceremonies to feed a baby their first solid food in a lot of communities. the first step towards commencing a meal plan for your baby is to know which food contains the most nutrition and would be beneficial for your child’s health.

But in the end, most of us pick from the two best healthiest foods for babies and those are dal & veggies.

Sign up here to receive a FREE Guide on how to kickstart your baby’s food journey.


We asked mommies what they started their baby’s weaning journey with and this is what the verdict was

If you are a new Mama who is looking to start her baby’s weaning journey and is not sure

  • What you should start with as their first food?
  • What is the right age for different fruits and veggies?
  • What do I do when my baby starts teething?

Then we have something you need. The Infant Meal Plans Course is your guide to 24 meal plans, 40 + recipes based on different milestones and lots of other tips that every new mommy needs to help her through this time.

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