Should I Take My Toddler Son To The Bathroom When I Go To Pee?

Week after week, #KSPReaders ask us questions and we bring it back for all of us have our opinions. Our aim to simplify parenting, by hearing everyone out! What is the right age to not let your toddler son walk in with you when you go to pee?

One thing that toddlers need the most is a sense of security. And for them, security is seeing you in front of their eyes at all times. Even if it means taking away your peace when nature calls. But if you are out and need a quick trip to the bathroom, should your son be your companion too?

Initially, he may question why he can’t come with you, or throw tantrums or not stay in one place. Then slowly, when he realizes the differences in your bodies, and if you explain why you need to be alone in the bathroom, he might stop the questioning and get used to it.

We wanted to know if you face the same situation and to ask your opinions on the question, ‘As a mom should I take my toddler son to the bathroom when I go to pee?’ So we posted this question on our social media platform to know your thoughts.

Well, we received varied feedback and some tips and tricks too!

Let me share them with you.

I like how this mom explained a good point with humour. Going in and out of bathrooms may seem normal to us, but to your little one who has no knowledge of how things work, losing sight of mom is scary. Explaining every little thing to your kids is very important. Especially that you are there with them always. At first, it seems almost impossible, but if you give your kids enough time, there’s no habit they can’t learn!

Exactly, truer words weren’t spoken! Parenting is all about timing and knowing the ‘when’ of things. Teaching kids how to respect others’ privacy from an early stage is important. This helps them understand you and themselves too.

This is exactly portrayed in the next comment

This shows how trust is key even when it comes to basic things like closing the door. We have to always make sure that the kids know they can reach out to us. If they are certain that we are around, they’ll stay calm and won’t fuss about being with us all the time.

These comments highlight how each kid learns things at different speeds. Also, at the end of the day, it all depends on YOU! You know your kids best, and so when certain things are to be taught is also up to you.

What do you think? Is it ok to take your toddler son to the bathroom with you or should you teach him to stand out and patiently wait? We would love to know! Tell us in the comments below.


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