Should Kids Be Fed Constantly For Better Growth?


If you think your child should be constantly eating to stay healthy and grow right, then you need to read this. 

What your child actually needs in a day:

  • 3 big meals
  • 1-2 snack times
  • Limited mealtime of 20-30 minutes: Don’t let their time at the table drag beyond this time. This will help inculcate discipline and better eating habits.
  • No-screen time: No distractions and that includes no television or mobile when eating.

Snacks are a great way to get little bites of nutrition into your child's tummy.

We have an easy, tasty, nutrient-packed, protein-rich snack that even your little one can help you put together. They will love it and you can be sure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals their body needs – a win-win situation for everyone. 

As parents, one of the things that we stress on most is that our kids eat healthy and nutritious food. But how do you make sure you’re giving them the right food to fuel their growth and development?

The answer to that is a balanced diet.  Every food group has different nutrients and is necessary for your child’s growth and muscle development.

Click and find out what paediatricians recommend for growing children.  

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