Should You Co-Sleep With Your Child| Child Pyschologist Vidya Panicker

While co-sleeping has benefits, research is mixed on whether it promotes healthy sleep habits. Each child is different—some may thrive with co-sleeping, while others might benefit from sleeping independently from an early age.

Co-sleeping, or sharing a bed with your child, is a topic that often sparks debate among parents and experts. Some believe it fosters a strong bond, while others argue it may disrupt sleep patterns or independence.

Mansi Zaveri, Founder of Kidsstoppress chats with Vidya Panicker on Season 3 of Kidsstoppress Podcasts.

She says

Do you agree? In the Indian family system, there are many things to consider when you think of cl-sleeping with your child and there is no right or wrong decision. It’s based on your family and understanding

While co-sleeping has benefits, research is mixed on whether it promotes healthy sleep habits. Each child is different—some may thrive with co-sleeping, while others might benefit from sleeping independently from an early age.

Watch the full interview to know more. Don’t forget to like & subscribe to Kidsstoppress YouTube to stay connected

If you want to know How To Raise A Happy Child. watch the full interview with Mansi Zaveri & Vidya Panicker here

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