It is never easy to be an entrepreneur, and to do it all, in these anxious times, is just touger. We at Kidsstoppress have always celebrated mompreneurs and local businesses because it is important to support each other.
In KSP Summer Fun Factory – Mom Boss, we are delighted to have on board YouTuber Shruti Anand to talk to us about acing the one platform that almost all of us use. Shruti talks in detail about the platform, citing various examples from peers and what we must learn from them and how to frame our YT strategy. Some of the topics she talks about are:
- How to Grow Your Income, Impact and Influence Online
- How to Grow on YouTube and Generate Automated Traffic
- How to Integrate YouTube Into Your Business
and lots more. So go ahead get a glimpst of what she has to say.
To sign up for KSP Mom Boss – Sign up here.