Science can be a lot of fun! Especially for young preschoolers who find the world around them interesting and magical. This is the perfect time to introduce them to basic concepts of science with the help of simple household supplies.
We at KSP have listed down a few simple hands-on science experiments that will give your toddler an opportunity to explore the world of science with interest and enthusiasm.
Who can say no to these beautiful shimmering crystal icicles? All you need to make them is simple household supplies. Twirl your pipe cleaners around a pencil to form a spiral-shaped icicle. Tie a piece of string or thin cord to the top of the ice icicle. Dissolve 9 tbsp of Borax in 3 cups of boiling water completely. When your solution is crystal clear, pour your Borax and water solution into your glass jars. Suspend your twirled pipe cleaners and watch the magical crystallization process.
The Walking Water experiment- what is that?! We tell you. Watch your kids enjoy coloured water walking along with paper towels and filling an empty glass. Use your kitchen jars and fill them with food colour. You will also need empty glasses for each colour. Watch the water move up the paper towels into the empty jar and the middle jar fills up with water until the water levels of all the jars are equal.
The simple concept of what sinks and what floats can be taught to your kids this way. Grab a handful of items lying around the house and have your kid dip them in a tub of water. Materials like pumice stone, pompoms, leave, twigs, stones, pebbles etc can be used for this experiment.
When baking soda and vinegar combine – it causes a fizzy reaction that kids will find interesting. Pour some baking soda into the bottom of a container. You can also add food colour to make it interesting and colourful. Now pour the vinegar in. Watch how the two react and the smile on your child’s face.
‘The Thirsty Crow’ is probably the first story most kids listen to from their parents. Why stop with just narrating? Explain it with a few simple supplies and your kids will love it. Kids will be amazed to observe how quickly the level of the water rises.
Add two cups of dish wash soap to the kiddie pool. Gently mix the water and soap together. Grab a hula hoop and place it into the kiddie pool, and have your child stand in the middle of this. Bring the hula hoop up as evenly as possible, and you have a giant bubble around your child!
Take a big container and add 2 parts of oil and 1 part water. Add some food colour and half an Alka-Selzer tablet. Watch how it reacts with the oil and water and creates lava.
Your kids will be in awe of this one! Place a few celery stems in a cup of coloured water observe the stems and the leaves of the celery turn into the same colour of the water. Great way to teach them to be observant!
All you need is a pack of Skittles, some warm water, a cup to pour and a plate. Have your child make a circle with different coloured skittles on a round plate making various coloured patterns. Warm-up some water in a glass and pour it into the centre of the circle. Watch the magic unfold.
Pour a small amount of milk into a shallow container. Put drops of food colouring all around the milk. Dip an earbud in the dish soap and dip it lightly in the coloured milk. Watch the colourful reaction unfold!