Speech & Language Therapy For Kids With Down Syndrome

Babies with Down syndrome are born with the desire to communicate. According to research, children with Down syndrome start using words around 16 months of age, which is roughly 6 months later than other kids. An expert shares her tips on how you can help make things easier for a child with Down syndrome.

Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. It is, therefore, also called Trisomy 21. This condition causes developmental and intellectual delays. Children with Down syndrome have delays in speech and language development milestones. Hence, Speech and Language Therapists play a crucial role in the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals with Down syndrome.

Babies with Down syndrome are born with the desire to communicate. They cry, make sounds, and interact with gestures. However, due to insufficient neurological and motor skills, they learn to speak words a little later than their peers.

According to research, children with Down syndrome start using words around 16 months of age, which is roughly 6 months later than other kids.

Most children with Down syndrome understand much more than what they can speak or express.

Speech and Language Difficulties Children With Down Syndrome Face:

Can Hearing Be A Challenge As Well?

Children with Down syndrome are vulnerable to ear infections in early childhood. That is because they have narrow and short ear canals making them more susceptible to the collection of fluid and bacteria behind the eardrum. This condition is known as Otitis Media with Effusion (OME). It causes temporary hearing loss.

Hearing and speech/language development are directly related. Studies show that frequent ear infections and temporary hearing loss have a negative impact on speech and language acquisition. Since the child can’t hear the language being spoken, he/she can’t learn to speak it!

Can Speech & Language Therapy Help?

Almost all children with Down syndrome learn to speak. But there can be challenges in this journey of learning to talk and communicate effectively. During the process of acquiring speech, we can use a combination of various methods like total communication, using sign language, pictures, and gestures.

Total Communication ( TC) is the combined use of signs and gestures with speech to learn the language. The child learns signs along with speech. Therapists can also use other transitional systems like picture boards, communication boards, or some apps to provide an option for basic communication.

Some areas that Speech-Language therapists work on are:

  • Oral motor skills
  • Feeding skills
  • Language development
  • Speech clarity
  • Using alternative and augmentative communication ( AAC)
  • Improving sentence formation

Tips For Parents To Help Their Children Learn To Speak

Parents are role models for their kids and the most important link in the communication chain. They are the main source of primary interaction that a young baby receives. Many pre-speaking skills are best learned at home. Here are some points to remember :

Language and meaning are more important than just spoken words.

  • When teaching your child focus on elaborating on the meaning of the concept.

Provide multi-sensory experiences. 

  • Seeing, hearing, touch, smell all senses should be stimulated while teaching your child any new word. 


Repeat often and speak slowly + clearly.

  • Children learn best with repetition.
  • Repeat what your child says and say out the clear correct word. 
  • Don’t rush your sentences. Be slow, yet natural.

Take use of actual situations and real objects. 

  • Taking help of daily activities like getting dressed, feeding, taking out to the park, etc. 
  • All these situations are rich sources of language and offer tons of vocabulary.

Read to your child. 

  • Get hold of big bold books and depending on the age of your child and his interest, read often to build on language.


Let the child lead. 

  • Start with concepts that the child is interested in. 
  • This will get his attention and make learning fun.

Monitor your child’s hearing and ear health.


Early Language Intervention

Children with Down syndrome should be provided with early intervention services. Speech-Language therapy can start as early as infancy.  Initially, the treatment is about stimulating the child, providing appropriate play opportunities, feeding, and oral motor exercises. As the child grows, the therapy programme is notched up and involves working on teaching different language concepts, expressive language, and vocabulary development. 

Does Online Speech Therapy Work  

Online speech therapy for Down syndrome is successful, effective, and flexible. After the outbreak of Covid-19, online services for kids have become a new normal. While there is no cure for Down Syndrome, there are therapies, treatments, and educational support available to improve the quality of life of those affected. 

If you have questions that you want to be answered, please talk to us in the comments below and we will get them answered for you. 

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