Just when the whole world is going crazy after Summer Camps. I have a toddler who is almost a month through her summer holidays with no camp and a 6 year old who will break for summer holidays in a month away from now.
While I am not a sucker for summer camps unless it’s hobby that one needs to learn, pursue and will absolutely value add. Summer holidays for me is picking up those extra vocational skills if you are older and just learning to figure life out by exploring and creating my own games if you are younger.
So while I was browsing through the lists I had a wish list and I really wish they taught these in some summer camp:
1. Not to tease and fight with your sibling training camp: Having siblings is the best thing ever. No planning playdates, no getting bored and always having company to play with. But it also means fights and problem solving. If you have one slightly older then also be ready for all the teasing and bullying. I just wish there would be summer camp that taught them stop fighting and start playing, or solve your problems n your own. That’s the one line I probably find myself using more often than not.
2. Clean up your mess:Â Yes I have a cleaning disorder and I need things to be in paces that they are meant to be. I really wish all the labeling and the different boxes would help the kids understand that the tiniest of pieces need to be put back and it means much to mom. I really want that pinteresty kids room with everything perfectly in order. I wish they can learn just the way we did.
3. Always On time: I always judge people by how punctual they are. That’s what dad taught us. If you don’t value someone else’s time they wont value yours. Something I learnt way back in school. I have no memories of mom telling us atleast 5 times that please leave we are running late. Even though I eave enough buffer so we are always on time I just wish someone told the kids that time is precious and you need to always reach 10 mins before time. It’s a habit that needs to be inculcated now.
4. Keeping your cupboard clean: So I have to have a cupboard stacked with differing piles so I can easily find anything I want even if it’s in the middle of the night. I just wished that someone told them that if you decide to change your mind the clothes don’t get rolled back and instead need to be neatly folded and put back in the right pile and no one else is going to do it.
5. Volume Control: I often catch the girls talking to each other while each of them are in separate rooms. Now how many times can you tell them that really volumes need to be under check and nobody else wants to be part of their conversation. The fact that it really disturbs everyone. That doors need to closed and they need to be closed softly.
6. Respond when someone speaks to you:Â I often find the daughters lost in their own world and wonder are they even listening. Someone once said don’t repeat your instructions often and I tried that. I am still trying it. But sometimes you need them to listen to even that instruction once. They just ignore you or sometimes or just pretend like they haven’t heard you.
7. Gratitude: This is one thing I constantly try and remind them and I hope it registers. The education that you receive, the holidays, the food that you eat, the house that you stay in and all the fancy parties you want are all what you need to be thankful for.
8. How to make someone happy and bring a smile on their face: Just the other day my mom sent in something for the daughter and I don’t blame her for it, it was something you need to acquire taste for but she couldn’t say nani it was nice and I tried it. I always tell this to the girls that always try and make people happy and they should always feel happy when they are with you. You don’t necessarily have to lie but acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. We have an old 90 year old uncle in the building who sits down in the garden every single day after his walk. Each day is we walk by he expects a simple hello from my girls. The younger one goes out of her way to do it while the older one can be moody about it. I always tell her if your hello can make him happy then why not?
9. Practice Random kindness: I am a strong believer that random acts of kindness make your days happier and earn you blessings. Even if you don’t get the blessings don’t get someone’s wrath either. I keep telling them to give way, help others, give way to younger kids and older people. Just hope they heard me.
10. Maybe Later is not now: You know that feeling when they keep pestering you mom please now and you say no after 5 minutes and they come back asking can I do it now or are 5 minutes over? That 5 minutes is the toughest to go through for a parent.
Would love to know which ones are your favourite and the ones you would love to add. Do share it in the comments below or on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.
Image Source: holidayclothing.us, scarymommy, jobourgwest,thefederalist, workwithgrace,wifflegifs, stuff.co.us,dishdishus