Taking Care Of Your New Born Baby & Yourself In Covid Times

These are trying times and if you are pregnant or just had a baby things are doubly tough. Read this to know what you should be doing if you are pregnant or have just had a baby.

The article has been written by Dr. Avneet Kaur MBBS, DCH, DNB, FAGE, Consultant Neonatology and Paediatrics, Apollo Cradle, Delhi


With all the sobering news about the new coronavirus and its causes, worried moms and dads would like to do everything possible to protect their babies from this epidemic. However, the one thing that every expert agrees on is that maintaining good hygiene is important.


There are still many unknown facts about the novel coronavirus and spread of the virus but certain practices should be followed for good hygiene apart from the basic ones. Little ones around you learn by watching you. So, you should follow good hygiene habits like washing your hands the proper way, not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, and covering your nose and mouth while sneezing.


Pregnancy can be stressful even under normal circumstances but during a pandemic, the anxiety can increase exponentially. As we see the jump in numbers, other than basic hygiene, there are other important teachings to keep in mind to fight against this pandemic.


Immunity Matters 


A healthy diet and being physically active should be the aim of a lady who has conceived. Stress activates your adrenal glands to release cortisol, increasing your appetite, which can lead to long-term consequences. By anyhow, the immune system tends to dip during pregnancy, making the women vulnerable to various infections. So, ensure that the diet contains immunity-boosting and iron-rich food, including fruits, leafy vegetables and nuts.


You should also continue to take all the vitamin supplements the doctor may have prescribed. To-be mother should always go for pranayama which is the easiest way to effective immunity-boosting and helps to maintain a healthy body and mind.


Stock Up On Essentials


If your baby is small, you need to stock up on essentials like wipes, diapers, and some over-the-counter medications. If your child has asthma, make sure that you have a couple of spare inhalers. Buy the necessary medical supplies and the prescribed medications. Apart from the medicines, you should also buy two weeks’ worth of baby food like cereal.


Government May Have Relaxed Things But Stay Indoors


Coronavirus spreads via the air in tiny droplets that are produced when a person affected by the disease breathes, coughs, sneezes or talks. When people are within six feet of each other, viruses spread more easily. If you live in an area where there has been a confirmed case of coronavirus, you should avoid going out altogether, especially highly trafficked places like malls or libraries.


Clean Your Home Continuously


To protect your baby and prevent the spread of coronavirus, clean your home continuously, especially the areas that are highly used. This includes toys, phones, tablets, staircase railings, and the refrigerator door. For maximizing effectiveness, the surface should be left wet for 15-30 seconds.


Destress Yourself 


Mothers should not feel depressed, confused or anxious for their babies. With the latest technology, we have entered an era where we have a new reality of being in virtual life. There are virtual consultations available with your gynaecologist and obstetrician. So, if a mother is feeling sad, stressed, scared during such a crisis, get in touch with your obstetrician and ask for help when needed.

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