You are a new mom and you’ve decided to get back to work! That’s the first step. And it was a hard one- no doubt. But everything seems different, harder and more confusing. Do you really need to work and leave your little pumpkin behind? Is it worth it?
Have These Questions Started Popping In Your Head?
Looks like that working mom guilt has slowly but surely started to creep up on you. Not just that – you’re beginning to second guess your every move. Before you know it – you’re burnt out, deciding to quit in your first week back at work and ready to raise the white flag.
I feel you! I worked throughout my pregnancy – we were in the middle of a global pandemic and what else was there to do really? But later- things began to get way more challenging. Easy tasks that would have taken me twenty-odd minutes to complete just stretched on for hours and weren’t up to the mark. I started doubting my capabilities and was on the brink of giving it all up.
Then I realised something – I’d want my daughter to get back to work- not give up her career (unless she wanted to, of course) and support her in any way possible to achieve everything she set herself out to.
So, Why Wasn’t I Looking At Myself This Objectively?
If that’s not reason enough, don’t you want to set an example for your child? To show them you’re a strong, independent woman and will make sure you don’t stop till you’ve got what you’ve aimed for?
However, it’s always a struggle. After speaking to a few moms who are acing the work-life-mom balance, I’ve collated a few tips that are extremely effective:
Ditch That Guilt
Yes, you’re working and you’re away from your little one. But you’re making sure she’s in safe hands, happy and well-fed. Don’t allow that guilt to make you give up on your career – the one you’ve spent half your life building.
Create Memories
Are you creating moments that will be etched in your mind (and hers) forever? Do something silly, explore a new place together or just spend time doing things she enjoys and be there for those moments.
Create A Support Structure
You are a supermom, we’ve already established that. But you’re a human being and just one person. Bring in your parents, the happy in-laws, your siblings – to help whenever they can. You’d be surprised to see how happily they will relish the responsibility .
Have Faith
I have a confession to make – if you told me to “relax” when I’m angry I’d probably smack you with anything I could put my hands on. So I get that asking you to have faith in yourself – when you’re dealing with the pressure of “working” motherhood is fairly ludicrous, but believe me when I say – half the battle is won if you have a calm disposition and strong faith in yourself You got a human out of your body for God sake- isn’t that a testament to your power?
Find Your Chi
And I say this because often it’s lost. And it’s definitely not easy to make time for yourself – but however, you can, even if it’s just ten minutes three times a week – do it. Watch tv, drink warm green tea, have that extra long shower- do things that make you feel the whole again.
This is highly underrated. Don’t exercise to get in shape – I mean of course it’s great too and you probably should. But exercise to burn out that mom guilt, that work stress and that “Am I good enough” stress.
It’s not an easy journey, but it’s one you have to try. You owe it to yourself and your little one so make sure you see this through and don’t give up just because you think you’re not good enough. You’re a supermom and don’t ever forget that!