The Complete Guide To Celebrating Republic Day With Your Kids.

From teaching kids what the day is about, to fun videos that explain it’s significance to crafts you can do with kids, to events you can head to-we tell you all! 

As I was getting my little girl to get ready for school, I was telling her how much fun we could have since this is a long weekend coming up. She was excited at first but puzzled to know why tomorrow would be an off. I told her that it is Republic Day tomorrow and that's why it is a government holiday. And the next 18 minutes were spent asking what Republic Day was, why we celebrate it, who decided it should be an off, and if the date changes every year! I should have reserved the long weekend conversation for later when I had more time to spare!

But jokes apart, explaining what Republic Day to a child is not easy. We need to explain where the rules come from, the concept of freedom, a constitution and what exactly patriotism means. We at KSP know how each one of you is sailing in the same boat as us, and that's why we give you this guide to celebrating Republic Day with your kids- the fun way. 

From teaching kids what the day is about, to fun videos that explain it's significance to crafts you can do with kids, to events you can head to-we tell you all! 

KSP Radio On The Significance Of Republic Day


Children's Video On Republic – Jalebi Street

Easy Crafts You Must Try With Your Kids This Republic Day


And If You Want to Catch All The Action Live…

Read all that you should know before heading to watch the parade in New Delhi this year- click here. 





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