The Impact Of Medicines On Your Child’s Gut & Body | Dr Manjari Rao

In this video I am sharing with you what medicines actually do to a child’s body and their gut. Must watch

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When your child starts a fever, what’s your first reaction? Do you douse them with meds?

As parents, our first concern is that our kids feel better and don’t suffer. But we don’t realize that the medicines we give them are actually going to affect them over a period of time.

Little do we realise that these are things that can affect us internally if not taken in the right fashion. For eg, if your child has sniffles and you “had no choice” but to pop in that medicine because she has to go to school for that test, What you probably don’t realize is that the gut problems, the loss of appetite etc come from there.

As a physician, I need to know what medications are being taken.
As a physician, I need to know if they are being taken correctly.

A doctor’s job is to know WHEN NOT TO GIVE a medicine and that is only possible if we know when to give it!  (This applies to all doctors from every system of medicine!)

If you want to know what’s the right time to take medicines, you should read this.

I am a homoeopath practitioner and today in this video I am sharing with you what medicines actually do to a child’s body and their gut.

The short-term impact of medicines on your child’s body lasts 2 months

If you want to know more about how antibiotics affect the body, watch th full video. You should also like & subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a new video alert.

You can also watch our interview with Dr Rao on How To Reset Your Gut With Homoeopathy

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