The One Question Every Woman Must Ask Themselves, This Women’s Day

Are we succumbing to the pressures of the society?

Women's Day is around the corner and the offers and slew of discounts are our way, already. Feminism and women empowerment get a whole 48-96 hours visibility before diminishing away for another 360 days. 

What do women really need, this Women's Day? Definitely not just those flowers or a poetic message on social media. The answer is simple. Look around, women and the answer lies there. Ask yourself this one question. Are women there for each other?

How many of you have given checklists but forgotten to talk about what parenting was all about? Spoke about how it actually feels and "it is not easy to be back to what you were". How many of you thought – "where am I and where have I disappeared?". How many of us have had women judging us? How many women judged you when you couldn't meet the "expectations"?

Sameera Reddy, in her keynote speech at KSP Awards 2019, spoke about how women (not just men) were liberal in their judgements against her for putting on weight on taking a break from the industry. It's 2020, and we are still caught in such traps taking us back by about a decade or five! 

Time and again, women need someone to tell us the below things we battle out every day. 

1) It is ok if you missed your child's recital for an important event at work.
2) It is ok to lose your cool because you have slept in weeks.
3) It is ok when you are unable to pick family over work commitments.
4) It is ok when you can't go back to who you were.
5) It is ok to have post-partum blues.
6) It is ok to say no to work for a while until you are comfortable to go back.
7) It is ok to have a few less productive days.
8) It is ok to feel guilty that you wish you did more for your work

It is time – we realize that in this parenting journey – all of us feel the same. We have our own struggles and have different ways to deal with it. Stop blaming yourself. Let's stop judging each other. Let's not have expectations – The promise is to be the best parent and the best version of yourself.



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