This Activity Using One Household Supply Works On Your Child’s Motor Skills

You may also like: LEGO Learning Activities For PreschoolersHere is a super simple activity to keep your toddler busy while they learn to find their way out removing those sticky tapes of the floor.

Independent play helps encourage creative thinking and imagination skills. It also helps develop problem-solving skills and ways to cope with new situations. Independent play can be extremely beneficial when you need to mark a few chores off your list. Toddler activities for independent play are simple and take very little time to set up. It takes a few supplies easily available in the house to set up these activities.

You may also like: LEGO Learning Activities For Preschoolers

Here is a super simple activity to keep your toddler busy while they learn to find their way out removing those sticky tapes of the floor.

All you need is a roll of masking tape or any other tape available to you. Paste them in a criss-cross manner in a table or on the floor. While the toddler tries removing the tapes he develops problem-solving skills while trying to figure out which tape to remove first since they are overlayed. It’s a very inexpensive activity to keep your toddler occupied and hone their motor skills at the same time.

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