We grew up with stories that were narrated to us by our grandparents, parents and other elders in the family. However, this age-old practice is losing its charm in the present day, as not only the adults in the family but the children have also become addicted to electronic gadgets.
Storytelling helps children know about their roots and culture, improves their listening skills, builds on a better memory, and channelizes their imagination and creativity. We were very excited to come across The Story Merchants and their innovative ways of storytelling. Scroll down to read more about them on our exclusive #FindItOnKSP series.
How Story Merchants Work:
The Story Merchants makes story-based early learning products for your little ones. They are designed to work on your child's language skills, enhances their vocabulary and encourages oral fluency. The best part- you can craft a purposeful discussion around the story with your kids using their products. All their products come with an original story authored by the owners themselves.
What Makes Them Stand Out
Spin-A- Story, as The Story Merchants call it, gets children and adults engaged right away. You have to pick your cards randomly from the deck and concoct your own story. With this set, you won't have to whip up something magical when you run out of a story. Inspires and encourages your kids to get creative and think out-of-the-box too!
So We Are Saying:
- The story mat is extremely unique and you can use it indoors and outdoors. This mat takes children into a world of imagination where they create and narrate their own story!
- Head over and tell your children that you won't just be narrating a story to them. You will show it to them too. And see how you enjoy this experience!
- We miss storytellers that actually narrate our ancient old tales. The much spoken about different cultures in India in the world is something our kids are missing out on. We look forward to The Story Merchant's take on Indian culture!
- Their products cater to kids of 0-10 age group.